Events and Calendar

Offerings 2023-2024 Academic Year

Student Gathering – This is our regular gathering for undergrad and grad students. Each year we read one gospel chapter by chapter learning what it meant in their then so we can apply it to our now.
Biblical Hebrew – We are very excited to offer a class on Biblical Hebrew. It is designed for any level of interest but the primary goal is reading knowledge. During the year we will discuss Hebrew language & literature, the historical development of the Bible, and how you can use Hebrew in your life. This class is open to everyone! We are asking non-students to consider a $10/class donation. If you’re interested, please fill out this form.
Wednesday Lunch & Learn – Bring your lunch to this conversational Bible study. Each week we will look at the appointed gospel reading for the coming Sunday. This gathering is open to all members of the university community: student, faculty, and staff.
Sacred Ground – This monthly gathering is a “film-based dialogue series on race and faith” offered by the Episcopal Church. This program is designed to help us recognized and confront our views on race and continue to grow, individually and communally, into the image God has for us.