Giving to St. A’s

There are several ways to give to St. Augustine’s and the campus ministry:

You can donate financially to St. Augustine’s and the campus ministry by going to this site, Donate. On the drop-down menu, select “St. Augustine’s Chapel” and fill out the rest of the form.

If you would like to make an in-kind donation to the Chapel, please email Rob, our campus minister, to work out the details.

You may also send checks directly to the Chapel:
St. Augustine’s Chapel
472 Rose Street
Lexington, KY 40508

There are several volunteer opportunities at the Chapel including serving on the board, mentoring, meal planning, work crews, and other ways to serve.

Go to this Google form and fill out our volunteer form and we will be in touch soon.

Need something from Amazon? Use our Amazon portal to get what you need and support St. A’s ministry.